Pushing Daisies 1×02 (spoilers)

Okay, guys, now that I’ve seen the second episode of Pushing Daisies, it’s moved up to the “LOVE/ADDICTED/OBSESSED” category on my TV breakdown. Easily the best of the new shows. In fact, it’s been ages since I’ve been this delighted by a show.

Let me just tell you a few of the things that made me giddy this week:

  • The color scheme. Again. No, I will not get over this anytime soon, what with all the bright green and red and pink in large quantities.

Pushing Daisies 1×02 - Color

  • Nor will I get over the narration anytime soon, which is so perfect that I’m pretty much entranced as soon as it starts.
  • Emerson knitting. And knitting not just anything…knitting gun holsters.
  • Chuck being petulant about not getting shotgun (I just think she’s cute when she’s petulant).
  • Ned being adorable all the time.
  • Musical interlude!! They couldn’t put Kristin Chenoweth on the show and not have random musical numbers, though, now could they?

Pushing Daisies 1×02 - Chenoweth

  • The dandelion-car guy DROVE A HUMMER. Yeah, I laughed out loud.
  • Chuck and Ned kissing through bodybags. Aw.

Pushing Daisies 1×02 - Kissing

And I’ve heard it’s done well in the ratings so far, which is AWESOME. This is so totally the type of show that I usually fall in love with, only to have it canceled after four episodes (I’m looking at you, Wonderfalls…*sniff*). Hopefully that doesn’t happen here. Thank goodness it’s on ABC instead of Fox, that’s all I’m saying.

(screencaps courtesy of Jennifer on LJ)


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  1. annie

    I love this show. The color scheme is great too. It is just so enjoyable to watch. I really, really hope that it doesn’t get cancelled.

  2. annie

    I love this show. The color scheme is great too. It is just so enjoyable to watch. I really, really hope that it doesn’t get cancelled.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes. I’m glad y’all like it! But then, you were Wonderfalls fans, too, weren’t you. Or at least Jon was. They sort of play to the same audience, though I think Pushing Daisies may be more instantly accessible. So far it looks less likely to get canceled (better ratings, more forgiving network), but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed.

  4. Yes, yes, and yes. I’m glad y’all like it! But then, you were Wonderfalls fans, too, weren’t you. Or at least Jon was. They sort of play to the same audience, though I think Pushing Daisies may be more instantly accessible. So far it looks less likely to get canceled (better ratings, more forgiving network), but I’m still keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. abby

    Okay Jandy, I will definitely try to catch it again. you persuaded me, if I wasn’t already. I did see the “Hopelessly Devoted to You” part while the kids were brushing their teeth, but then got distracted with the rest of the bedtime ritual. Anyway, hear hear about it not being on Fox- otherwise it probably would get canceled before I had a chance to see it again!

  6. abby

    Okay Jandy, I will definitely try to catch it again. you persuaded me, if I wasn’t already. I did see the “Hopelessly Devoted to You” part while the kids were brushing their teeth, but then got distracted with the rest of the bedtime ritual. Anyway, hear hear about it not being on Fox- otherwise it probably would get canceled before I had a chance to see it again!

  7. Abby, I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your comment sooner! I didn’t get the e-mail notification that you’d commented. *kicks WordPress* Anyway, good! I’m so glad I was convincing. :) Yeah, it would probably be canceled already if it were on Fox (I exaggerate–its ratings have been better than any of the Fox shows I loved that got canceled). But still.

    Be sure to blog about it after you get a chance to see it; I’d like to know what you thought.

    You used to watch Grey’s Anatomy, didn’t you? Did you stop? Not that I’d blame you, really…

  8. Abby, I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your comment sooner! I didn’t get the e-mail notification that you’d commented. *kicks WordPress* Anyway, good! I’m so glad I was convincing. :) Yeah, it would probably be canceled already if it were on Fox (I exaggerate–its ratings have been better than any of the Fox shows I loved that got canceled). But still.

    Be sure to blog about it after you get a chance to see it; I’d like to know what you thought.

    You used to watch Grey’s Anatomy, didn’t you? Did you stop? Not that I’d blame you, really…

  9. Holly

    Welcome to my surrealist, usually odd, but very colorful world! ;0) I hoped you’d like Daisies as much as I do.

  10. Holly

    Welcome to my surrealist, usually odd, but very colorful world! ;0) I hoped you’d like Daisies as much as I do.

  11. I liked it the first week, but now I’m in love with it! We should watch it together and text, but I can’t this week because a bunch of us are going out after class.

  12. I liked it the first week, but now I’m in love with it! We should watch it together and text, but I can’t this week because a bunch of us are going out after class.

  13. omg! i totally agree!! it is so much fun, it kinda reminds me of (not is a sci-fi way) hitchikers guide to the galaxy, the movie. daises is definitely one of my new favorites!

  14. omg! i totally agree!! it is so much fun, it kinda reminds me of (not is a sci-fi way) hitchikers guide to the galaxy, the movie. daises is definitely one of my new favorites!

  15. Becky, I was wondering if you were watching it! I kept forgetting to text and ask you. Figured you’d like it. Not sure about the Hitchhiker’s thing, though, since Pushing Daisies is awesome and the Hitchhiker’s movie kind of sucked. The book was great, though, and I can kind of see a similarity in the narrative style.

  16. Becky, I was wondering if you were watching it! I kept forgetting to text and ask you. Figured you’d like it. Not sure about the Hitchhiker’s thing, though, since Pushing Daisies is awesome and the Hitchhiker’s movie kind of sucked. The book was great, though, and I can kind of see a similarity in the narrative style.

  17. I’ve only been able to catch 2 episodes, but I like it. We plan to keep watching it. I have to say that I totally think of this as a “science fiction” show. Finally, I like a lot of the visual elements of the show, including the color scheme.

  18. I’ve only been able to catch 2 episodes, but I like it. We plan to keep watching it. I have to say that I totally think of this as a “science fiction” show. Finally, I like a lot of the visual elements of the show, including the color scheme.

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