Yep, Pushing Daisies is at it again!
This week’s episode “Bad Habits” boasts a death-by-clocktower-fall that may be suicide or may be murder. In any case, it’s quite Vertigo-esque. That makes twice they’ve done Vertigo, twice (at least) for Psycho, and once for The Birds. I vote they do Rear Window and Notorious next.

I couldn’t verify for sure because it’s been forever since I’ve seen it, but was there maybe a hint of Black Narcissus in there, too? Oh, and I’m claiming an Assassin’s Creed reference in the nosedive into the haycart. ;)
ok, i have to know, what have you thought of daisies so far this season??
I would LOVE a “Rear Window” homage in “Daisies”. It's probably my favorite Hitchcock film. And I agree with the first commenter – I want to know your opinion of the season so far!
I'm not sure it's QUITE as magical as it was the first season, but it's still more magical than any other show out there. So I'm happy with it. The bee episode was really good, last week's clown one less so, but bringing the Hitchcock back this week reeled me right back in. You?
See my answer to Becky above. I'll try to work on a post soon giving my impressions of the TV season so far, now that almost everything has been on a few weeks (except 30 Rock, grrrrrr).
And Rear Window is not only my favorite Hitchcock film, it's probably my favorite all-time film. I've seen it like ten times and I can never pass up an opportunity to see it again.
i am disappointed that they messed with chucks image…i don't like her new hair, and i think they have too much makeup on her. i liked her fresh faced….bee ep was good, except i don't like bees, clown ep, not so much. i did like this ep much better. and i think i'll be happier when olive is back at the pie hole, i really like her!!
I just beat Assassin's Creed last night! So now I know what you're talking about. Except Altair always landed on his back. Heh.
Yeah, Altair's falls are definitely more graceful. And have better camera work. :-) Still, definitely similar. Great game, isn't it? A bit repetitive, but climbing and jumping all over everything was effortless and awesome every time.
I just beat Assassin's Creed last night! So now I know what you're talking about. Except Altair always landed on his back. Heh.
Yeah, Altair's falls are definitely more graceful. And have better camera work. :-) Still, definitely similar. Great game, isn't it? A bit repetitive, but climbing and jumping all over everything was effortless and awesome every time.