Okay, I’ve rewatched all the (successful) auditions, and here are my picks for the Top 24. I’m not willing to make predictions any further than that, both because out of the 176 people put through to Hollywood, we only saw 48 full auditions, and also because it’s so difficult to tell from a 30-second a capella audition how they’re going to manage in the full-length performances. (And by full-length, I mean a minute and a half. So. Still not really full-length, but whatever.) And there’ll certainly be at least one or two people who DO make the Top 24 who didn’t get featured auditions. But that’s data I don’t have, so obviously, this is just based on the 48 auditions we do have.
The rest of my Top 24 after the jump. We’ll see how close I am! (Click here to play all the auditions I didn’t put in my Top 24.) And these are in no particular order. Oh, and they’re also the ones I would choose, not necessarily the ones I think will get chosen…so they’re more geared toward “what I personally like” than what the judges might end up with.
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