So You Think You Can Dance Top 16

I’m going to go ahead and post the recap now. I’ll add video hopefully tomorrow. They’re all so good, y’all, picking a bottom three is basically impossible.

edit: now with competition videos! Here’s the best one tonight, in my opinion: Jaimie and Hok dancing Wade Robson’s jazz number.

Sara and Jesús
style: krump – It’s Okay (One Blood) by The Game

Not bad at all! I don’t think. I’m not a krumping expert. ;) She could’ve looked a little angrier. But other than that, they were really into it, Jesús was really great outside his specialty! Very nicely done. Although I’m not sure “nice” is the right word for krumping… You know what I mean.

Shauna and Cedric
style: contemporary

Ooh, this’ll probably work out for both of them. Cedric’s style is idiosyncratic, but he seems like he’d be able to do contemporary. And Mia already likes him. I like the audience entrance. They definitely had the story part down perfectly, and the emotion. Mia did a good job playing Cedric’s style into the choreography, too. Maybe a little too good a job. Wow, that’s a little mean, Mary. Hee, I like the guest judge. She’s funny. I really do like Cedric as a person, but he’s probably done his thing in the competition.

Lacey and Kameron
style: quickstep – Big and Bad – Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Hee…Natalie and Musa did the quickstep last year, and it was hilarious. Of course, Natalie and Musa were totally awesome. But the quickstep was super hard for them…we’ll see if Lacey and Kameron can do better. Her ballroom training will probably help a lot, and they’ve rocked both of their previous routines. I enjoyed that! But then, I enjoyed Natalie and Musa’s version last year, and the judges tore it apart. We’ll see. I don’t like his hair slicked back. Lacey’s begorgeous. Yay! The judges like it! They’re totally my favorite.

Anya and Danny
style: hip-hop

Uh-oh, hip-hop and neither of them are hip-hip dancers in any way shape or form. But they’re probably the other best team, so we’ll see if they can pull it off. And I think they largely did! Anya just looks too classy for hip-hop, even though I think she did great. Danny was just great altogether. First time he’s outshone her for me. Yep, at this point it’s probably between them and Lacey/Kameron.

Sabra and Dominic
style: rumba – Stickwitu by the Pussycat Dolls

And another couple completely out of their comfort zone. They’re having a lot of that tonight. I don’t honestly think Jean-Marc is that great a choreographer. His routines consistently underwhelm me. And I think Nigel’s going to tear this apart for not being enough of a traditional rumba–not that I know what a rumba totally looks like, but I have a feeling it’s not this. Because that was sort of boring. They look lovely, but, boring. At least he didn’t drop her or overbalance her. Well, I obviously misjudged that one–got a Mary scream. I’ll rewatch it later. Could just be a case of I don’t know what a rumba’s supposed to look like.

Lauren and Neil
style: tango

Hee…they seem to be getting along well in rehearsals. I love the rehearsal clips. She is great! I think that was perfect on her part…he might’ve overdone it just a tad. On the other hand, maybe you can’t really overdo a tango. Ah well. Yeah, what Mary said. HA! Nigel thought it was overdone, too. I rock. Sometimes. But Lauren, absolutely lovely.

Jaimie and Hok
style: jazz

Yay Wade Robson! How is this “jazz” rather than “contemporary”? I think Wade just does whatever he wants to. ;) Not that I’m complaining, because that was perfect for both of them. Easily their best yet! That was incredible. That’s some hairstyle, though. Wow. Cirque du Soleil is a good comparison, yeah. Aw, now I wanna watch Cirque du Soleil.

Jessi and Pasha
style: cha-cha-cha

This should be fun. Pasha probably already knows this. Yeah, he does. Uh-oh, Jessi’s going to the hospital? That’s…not good. Oh, good, at least Pasha gets to dance. Even though the girl’s a pro at this, I think it would’ve been even better with Jessi–and this despite the fact that I don’t hugely like her. But Pasha’s so cute! Aw. Although I have to admit, I’m also falling in love with Kameron now. Doesn’t sound good for Jessi… So if Jessi’s dancing for her life, does that mean if Pasha’s not in the bottom, they’ll have four girls dancing for their lives? Hmmm…could be interesting.

Best Tonight: Lacey & Kameron, Sara & Jesus, Jaimie & Hok
Bottom Three: Like I know. I guess Shauna and Cedric, Lauren and Neil, and for me, Sabra and Dominic, but the judges disagreed with me. But I certainly don’t want Shauna, Lauren, Sabra, or Dominic going anyway, and I’d prefer to keep Neil. Jessi can go, though, she needs to rest. Yes. That’s it.


Really, really surprised that Sara and Jesus and Anya and Danny were in the bottom, and that Shauna and Cedric weren’t. Sympathy vote! I’m sorry to lose Jesus, but I’m okay with losing Jessi, although I didn’t think her solo was the worst–Lauren, you need to pick that up, girl! I love you, but you’ve got to, I don’t know, DANCE when you’re dancing for your life. Pasha and Sara should make an interesting team.


To Ponder – The New Wave, Modern or Postmodern?


Cinema Yearning


  1. Holly Miller

    I was livid when they let Jessi go! I think she’s wonderful. I would have slated her for the finals, and especially over Lauren so you and I really disagree on that one. I love Pasha. Love Danny, but he’s kinda full of himself. And Laci makes me smile, but I think she might not win if only because her brother won last year. Just my personal take. How are ya, by the way?

  2. Holly Miller

    I was livid when they let Jessi go! I think she’s wonderful. I would have slated her for the finals, and especially over Lauren so you and I really disagree on that one. I love Pasha. Love Danny, but he’s kinda full of himself. And Laci makes me smile, but I think she might not win if only because her brother won last year. Just my personal take. How are ya, by the way?

  3. Holly Miller

    Oh, and I think Hok is outstanding. If he can learn all these styles, I want him to win.

  4. Holly Miller

    Oh, and I think Hok is outstanding. If he can learn all these styles, I want him to win.

  5. Well, I was surprised when they let Jessi go this week, and I wish Nigel had talked a little more about why instead of just saying “you’re gone.” I like her dancing, I just don’t like her for some reason, which I know is stupidly biased. Oh well.

    Yeah, I’m not sure how I’d feel about Lacey winning after Benji won. That said, I like Lacey a lot more than I ever liked Benji (I really wanted Travis or Allison to win). Hok is incredible. He goes in with everything and usually manages to pull it off at least passable. He’s so cool.

    I’m so excited it’s back tonight!! It feels like it’s been forever!

  6. Well, I was surprised when they let Jessi go this week, and I wish Nigel had talked a little more about why instead of just saying “you’re gone.” I like her dancing, I just don’t like her for some reason, which I know is stupidly biased. Oh well.

    Yeah, I’m not sure how I’d feel about Lacey winning after Benji won. That said, I like Lacey a lot more than I ever liked Benji (I really wanted Travis or Allison to win). Hok is incredible. He goes in with everything and usually manages to pull it off at least passable. He’s so cool.

    I’m so excited it’s back tonight!! It feels like it’s been forever!

  7. Holly Miller

    Really? I loved Benji. He was my favorite to win, I think. Although, I loved Allison and I was super bummed when she was voted off. And I forgot the name of Benji’s partner for most of the competiion, but I would have been very satisfied if she had won too.
    We have VBS tonight, so I have to be more concerned about my children’s spiritual upbringing than my tv obsessions. I’ll have to rely on your video clips, I guess. ;0)

  8. Holly Miller

    Really? I loved Benji. He was my favorite to win, I think. Although, I loved Allison and I was super bummed when she was voted off. And I forgot the name of Benji’s partner for most of the competiion, but I would have been very satisfied if she had won too.
    We have VBS tonight, so I have to be more concerned about my children’s spiritual upbringing than my tv obsessions. I’ll have to rely on your video clips, I guess. ;0)

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