So You Think You Can Dance Top 12

I almost forgot to watch SYTYCD tonight, since I was enjoying my personal Firefly marathon a little too much. I nearly decided to just let the DVR catch SYTYCD and continue with Captain Mal and the crew, but I’ve been doing that for a few days now, and the DVR is nearly full (getting movies off TCM really eats the disc space).

Awww!!! Last week for our beloved couples! :( That makes me sad. I don’t like it when they change up partners. I’m also sad that Wade is on the panel, because that means he won’t choreograph. Dude, I totally said that before Nigel did. Did Nigel get a haircut? Also, Cat? Asking the audience to say “judges” for you every.single.week is GETTING INCREDIBLY OLD. Normally, you don’t bother me too much, but I pretty much want to smack you now whenever you do that.

Rundown after the cut; I’ll add video (with rehearsals and judging) tomorrow.

edit: I’ve added commentary on the eliminations, but Photobucket is being a bitca, so I don’t have the videos ready yet. Hopefully sometime tonight, or else tomorrow.

edit2: The videos are up now.

Sabra and Dominic
style: jive

Ooh, the jive is fun. IIRC. Hee! That was great! I love how they just totally let themselves go. He did get her up there for the lift; I was concerned for a second. ;) But she got him back by kicking him off the stage, which was awesome. Dominic continues to blow us away, showing that he’s far more than just a b-boy. Sabra, obviously.

Jaimie and Hok
style: Broadway

Broadway! TRAVIS!!!! AAAHHH! I miss Travis. Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not and I enjoyed that number, but apparently when you draw “Broadway” or “jazz” it means “whatever the hell the choreographer wants.” Okay, then. I think Wade is right, Jaimie has come out a little bit more over the last few weeks. She still might be a little less memorable than several of the other girls. I liked Hok better than the judges did, apparently. It wasn’t overwhelming, perhaps, but it was sweet.

Sara and Pasha
style: jazz

Okay, now we can test my theory about Broadway and jazz on jazz as well. But who’s going to choreograph instead of Wade? And how much are we going to miss Wade’s choreography? But how much am I still going to be in love with Pasha? Oh, great, jazz hands. *eyeroll* Okay, the answer to “how much are we going to miss Wade” is A WHOLE LOT. That was like something out of a really bad eighties’ movie. Nothing against their dancing, I just didn’t like the choreography at all. However, the closeups on them did keep me in love with Pasha. So there’s that. And also, that was clearly “jazz” and not “whatever the choreographer wanted,” so that blows my theory. ;) But still. Wade should be choroegraphing rather than judging.

Lauren and Neil
style: contemporary

Ooh, Mia Michaels. Maybe she can put me in a good mood again, since she’s currently my second favorite after Wade (I think Wade has moved up since the last time I ranked choreographers…wasn’t he, like, third then?). And apparently Mia decided that “contemporary” meant “a lot like hip-hop” tonight. It was pretty cool, though. I would maybe have liked their upper bodies to be a little more in sync a time or two, but they were spot-on far more often than not. And a lot of that looked really, really difficult.

Anya and Danny
style: foxtrot

Does Anya not already know this? Ooh, I like that dress. I guess there’s enough of the routine that isn’t straight foxtrot that she can’t just jump right into it. They look lovely. Not I didn’t, you know, expect that from one of top teams. I really liked that. It was classy, fun, elegant…now watch the judges tear it apart. Nope! They loved it too. Awesome. :D Maybe they’ll finally be safe this week?

Lacey and Kameron
style: hiphop

FINALLY! I thought we were never going to get to Lacey and Kameron! Ooh, Dan. We haven’t had one by him for a while. You know, Pasha better look out. I’m starting to fall for Kameron just a little bit. I loved that! They are so awesome. Was the girl in the audience a plant? Had to be. I agree that Lacey is a slightly better dancer than Kameron, but I love them together. We’ll see what happens when they’re split up. :( I disagree with Wade. I loved it. I think he’s wrong about Lacey’s connection to the audience…she’s completely got me and most everyone I know, and has from the first week.

Top Performances: Sabra and Dominic, Anya and Danny, Lacey and Kameron
Bottom Three: um, the other ones. :) Jaimie and Hok, Sarah and Pasha, Lauren and Neil
Going Home: I refuse to choose this category any more. It’s too depressing to think about.


Sabra and Dominic or Anya and Danny – between these two, put Sabra and Dominic in the bottom. I thought they were great last night, but Anya and Danny were perfect. However, the public has seemed to like Sabra and Dominic more. Yep. What the heck, America? SRSLY! Danny and Anya are both great, and they’ve been in the bottom three for the last three weeks! I do not understand. And this is REALLY bad for Anya, because her solos tend to be weak. Hopefully Mary can justify keeping her in.

Jaimie and Hok or Sara and Pasha – I didn’t love either of these last night, but…I love Sara and Pasha more overall. I mean, I LOVE Hok, but it’s pretty much only in his solos. With Sara and Pasha it was really the dance I didn’t care for. Yay! Sara and Pasha are safe. That makes me happy. Plus, it means Hok will dance a solo, which will be awesome to watch, even if he does end up being eliminated tonight, which is quite possible. Also, Jaimie? You sort of forgot your shirt. Completely. I know y’all have to change quickly after the opening number, but seriously.

Lauren and Neil or Lacey and Kameron – I like them both (in general and last night), but Lacey and Kameron totally have me hooked. So, sorry Lauren and Neil. Lacey and Kameron have never been in the bottom, though, so I know they have a lot of popular support, and last night isn’t likely to loose them any fans, despite what the judges said. Yep, I’m right.

That’ll probably knock Hok out, because I doubt the judges are going to let either Danny or Neil out. On the other hand, I’d think Hok could be a good selling point for the tour, so they may want him in the top ten. And neither Anya nor Lauren have been doing great solo routines; Jaimie has. Personally, she’s my least favorite of the three, but she’s an incredible dancer, so I might have to let Lauren go instead.

Hee…they have never yet let a tap dancer through the auditions, but they bring one on as a special guest? I just find that amusing for some reason. He’s not bad, but Fred Astaire he ain’t, I’m sorry.

Anya – Again, fun, but compared with what at least Jaimie will do…who knows?
Danny – He dances so pretty.
Jaimie – See? This is what I’m saying. Lovely. Why can’t I see that from her except when she’s solo?
Hok – Awesome! He’s not quite making it in the partner stuff, but he’s just about unbeatable on his own; and solo numbers are going to be part of the competition soon. SO.HARD.A.CHOICE.
Lauren – Now that’s how you do a solo. Looks super-bad for Anya.
Neil – How does he jump that high? On the other hand, he may have relied on the jumping too much.

Since when is Enrique Iglesias a dancer? Since when do they showcase singers on So You Think You Can Dance? Really, now. Have some standards, guys.

So Jaimie’s in. Not surprising, though I’m not sure what they didn’t like about her solo. I thought it was beautiful. And yep, they thought Lauren stepped up to the plate, which she did, and Anya didn’t quite make it. I’m sad. I really like her, and I like having someone who has ballroom training around. At least we still have Pasha. But I can’t say I wholly disagree with their decision. And they’ve let Hok go. I do understand that, and honestly, they’re right about both Sara and Dominic doing better in unfamiliar styles and Hok not growing as much as they have. I still love his solos! It’s too bad he won’t be on the tour, though. That sucks. Are they starting to draw partners randomly next week? Or does this put Jaimie with Danny, which I think would probably work nicely…


So You Think You Can Dance Top 14


Allison and Ivan – The Umbrella Dance


  1. annie

    Hey, Jandy, I just wanted to let you know that I always read your thoughts on SY TYCD. It is so great to see what you think about the show. Jon and I are totally hooked. I like Wade better as a choreographer, too. Maybe he’ll be back next week doing that. And, I think that it is going to get interesting when the public totally takes over the judging next week. It’ll be fun to see who people at home have really connected with.

  2. annie

    Hey, Jandy, I just wanted to let you know that I always read your thoughts on SY TYCD. It is so great to see what you think about the show. Jon and I are totally hooked. I like Wade better as a choreographer, too. Maybe he’ll be back next week doing that. And, I think that it is going to get interesting when the public totally takes over the judging next week. It’ll be fun to see who people at home have really connected with.

  3. Annie, thanks! I know, I’m actually way more hooked on SYTYCD right now than I was on American Idol this year. I might actually post sometime on why SYTYCD is better than AI. Wade better be choreographing next week! I really missed his routines. On the other hand, it was sort of nice to have a third judge who actually knew the dancers and was willing to be critical; usually the guest judges are all happy happy all the time and basically worthless for constructive criticism.

    Yeah, I might have to start voting next week myself. ;) I actually did last night, but it didn’t help Anya and Danny out much apparently. Guess I should’ve thrown all my votes their way instead of sending some to Lacey and Kameron.

  4. Annie, thanks! I know, I’m actually way more hooked on SYTYCD right now than I was on American Idol this year. I might actually post sometime on why SYTYCD is better than AI. Wade better be choreographing next week! I really missed his routines. On the other hand, it was sort of nice to have a third judge who actually knew the dancers and was willing to be critical; usually the guest judges are all happy happy all the time and basically worthless for constructive criticism.

    Yeah, I might have to start voting next week myself. ;) I actually did last night, but it didn’t help Anya and Danny out much apparently. Guess I should’ve thrown all my votes their way instead of sending some to Lacey and Kameron.

  5. After my first few weeks of watching, my evenings have not been my own. Since we have no DVR, I have not been able to watch. So I appreciate your commentary, and hopefully next week I’ll get to see SYTYCD again. BTW, have you watched the Next Food Network Star show? It is pretty intense. Just wondering.

  6. After my first few weeks of watching, my evenings have not been my own. Since we have no DVR, I have not been able to watch. So I appreciate your commentary, and hopefully next week I’ll get to see SYTYCD again. BTW, have you watched the Next Food Network Star show? It is pretty intense. Just wondering.

  7. Jennifer, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to watch it live! It’s probably a commentary on the non-existence of my life that it’s pretty much the highlight of my week. ;) I’m glad my commentary is helpful to someone. Even though I’d probably write it anyway, because I like to see myself write. Heh.

    I haven’t watched anything on the Food Network; I’m not much for cooking or anything. Becky has got me watching Hell’s Kitchen, but that’s about it.

  8. Jennifer, I’m sorry you haven’t been able to watch it live! It’s probably a commentary on the non-existence of my life that it’s pretty much the highlight of my week. ;) I’m glad my commentary is helpful to someone. Even though I’d probably write it anyway, because I like to see myself write. Heh.

    I haven’t watched anything on the Food Network; I’m not much for cooking or anything. Becky has got me watching Hell’s Kitchen, but that’s about it.

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