It’s pretty hard to subscribe to as many film/television/media blogs as I do and not hear a LOT about the WGA strike. Which is fine; I really hope the writers get what they’re asking for. I can’t believe they only get 4 cents of a $20 DVD purchase. Anyway, here’s a good videos explaining the reasons for the strike.
And here’s some of the cast and crew of The Office, talking about all that “promotional” material they write, i.e., the shows.
It is sort of interesting to think about the term “promotional” in this situation. A lot of the fair use proponents/copyfighters have been using the term “promotional” for media provided on the internet for free to the consumer. That is, studios should see free music/file sharing/torrent downloading/streaming media for its promotional value in gaining new viewers. And I still think there’s truth to that. I’m watching a lot of shows and buying a lot of music that I wouldn’t have if I hadn’t gotten it for free online first. However, now the studios are turning that around and trying to use the term “promotional” from the other side, as though because online media is a promotional tool, that means it’s free to produce. No, it’s free to consume. That’s what makes it promotional. Basically, a promo is an ad. So if you told an ad agency that they should provide you with an ad for free, because it’s a promo for your business and therefore should be free, they’d tell you exactly where to go. Seems like the same thing to me; or even worse, because the studio are selling ads around their “ads.” Plus, it’s pretty clear that online media isn’t going to be strictly for promotional purposes for very long. I already know people who watch a lot of their TV online rather than on broadcast. There’s a business model here that hasn’t quite been hammered out yet, but the WGA is doing the right thing by making sure they get a cut of the profits, however those profits happen to be made.
I’m bummed that the strike puts some of my favorite TV shows at risk, or at least delays them, but I’ll put up with it. Good chance for me and Netflix to catch up on all those HBO shows I’ve put off.
Strangely I’m currently watching last night’s Office online as we speak.
Strangely I’m currently watching last night’s Office online as we speak.
I keep forgetting they have the Office streaming this year. They didn’t last year, and so now I forget to look.
I keep forgetting they have the Office streaming this year. They didn’t last year, and so now I forget to look.