Desperate Housewives Confusion

Okay, so I didn’t watch any of the Desperate Housewives episodes after the writer’s strike last year. I did read some overarching recaps, but I’m still a little confused after watching the premiere last week. Could someone who did watch the end of last season help me out a little?

1) Where is Julie? Susan’s son shows up a time or two, but there’s no mention at all of Julie. Did she leave somewhere last season? College or something?

2) Where are Tom and Lynette’s other kids? I think we only saw the twins in the premiere episode – what about the other son and daughter?

3) In the flashback when Danielle came to take Benjamin from Bree, Bree mentioned Orson being gone – but he’s not gone in the premiere. Did he leave her last season and then come back, or is that flashback taking place between seasons and we just don’t know what went on with that?

4) Did Carlos lose his sight in the tornado, or sometime after that?


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  1. Pat

    The show jumped five years into the future. That was the premiere episode, so no one can answer many of the questions you pose. It'll all be sorted out, I assume, as we get more episodes.

    They showed all the pertinent episodes over the summer, btw.

  2. Okay, I just didn't know if I had missed some of those things (like Julie's whereabouts) by not watching the episodes that aired over the summer. I figured there wasn't an answer to the Orson question, but I thought I'd ask anyway.


  3. beckymeyers

    julie left for college, but now its 5 yrs and we have no idea where she is… the twins were there and then the last ep they showed the other boy, BUT he looked like he was younger than the twins whereas previously he was older…in the flashback, orson was in jail, then apparently he got out and is back , and really mean and creepy!! don't remember when carlos became blind…

  4. Yeah, it occurred to me later that Julie would be PAST college age by now. Wow, her whole college career just skipped. Ah, well, I'm sure she enjoyed it.

    Are you sure the other son was older than the twins? I thought he was younger all the time. And the daughter should be, what, twelve or so now? She should be all up in everyone's face, not completely disappeared! (I haven't watched last night's ep yet…)

  5. beckymeyers

    my roommate and i both thought that…parker, the other boy, was older than the twins. but maybe not. oh yeah, then the bratty girl got sent away last season cause she kept trying to sabatoge the twins and lynette! she was EVIL!! and her dad finally realized it! but the baby girl should be about 7 now…so who knows

  6. Oh, man, I totally forgot about Tom's other daughter. Good riddance.

  7. beckymeyers

    my roommate and i both thought that…parker, the other boy, was older than the twins. but maybe not. oh yeah, then the bratty girl got sent away last season cause she kept trying to sabatoge the twins and lynette! she was EVIL!! and her dad finally realized it! but the baby girl should be about 7 now…so who knows

  8. Oh, man, I totally forgot about Tom's other daughter. Good riddance.

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