66th Annual Golden Globes – Thoughts

And spoilers, so if for whatever reason you haven’t watched it yet and don’t want to know winners – you’re probably screwed, since it’ll likely pop up in your feedreader, on your TV, in your newspaper, etc. But at least I warned you, so there. Golden Globe spoilers after the jump.

  • Congrats to my girl Kate Winslet! I need to revise my 20 Favorite Actresses list to put her on it. She only just missed anyway, I swear she was number 21. She was flustered at winning Best Supporting Actress (for The Reader) because, as she put it “I have a habit of not winning things.” Imagine when she won Best Actress, too!
  • As a side note to that, how happy am I that I went to see Revolutionary Road yesterday? VERY HAPPY. And she totally deserves that Best Actress award. Leo deserved one, too, but it’s a very competitive year for the boys. Oscar, please take note and stop making Kate your also-ran, as you have a habit of doing?
  • As another side note to that, dang she looked hot tonight. I mean, WOW.
  • Miley Cyrus got a Golden Globe nomination? For reals, folks? Just as a personal point of contention, did you know that Jenny Lewis has an original song in Bolt as well? I rest my case.
  • I’m so totally lost on the TV awards due to not having premium cable and not particularly caring about miniseries and made-for-TV movies. So I pretty much yayed the people I know are good (Laura Linney, yay! Tom Wilkinson, yay! Paul Giamatti, yay!) and then got super-excited for everything 30 Rock won, because I DO watch that, and it’s fantabulous. Oh, and I’m watching Mad Men S1 right now, and it’s pretty fantabulous, too, so I was pleased it won for drama.
  • Basically, I was pleased with most everything. I was hoping Rebecca Hall would win for Vicky Cristina Barceona (and I would’ve been happy with Penelope Cruz beating Kate for Supporting Actress, assuming Kate still won Best Actress), but I haven’t seen Happy-Go-Lucky, so I can’t really argue the point.
  • Ricky Gervais cracked me up. “Told you, Winslet, do a Holocaust movie, and you get the awards. The problem with Holocaust movies is there’s never a gag real on the DVD.”
  • What the hell kind of look is Drew Barrymore going for? Tim Burton Corpse Bride reject? For serious. There’s this thing called a hairbrush they invented a while back. I could look it up for you. And apparently Renee Zellweger took fashion advice from the same place. Wow. Note that this is a “wow” with a completely different meaning from the “wow” I gave Kate Winslet earlier.
  • Standing ovation for Heath Ledger. I will not lie, I welled up a little. And such a fine speech from Christopher Nolan.
  • An animated film won Best Foreign Language film! Congrats, Waltz With Bashir! Even though I haven’t seen it yet, it pleases me that an animated film won.
  • Vicky Cristina Barcelona for Best Musical or Comedy! Woot! I did love that film. Too bad only the producers and Penelope Cruz showed up. Where the heck was everyone else?
  • And the little film that could, Slumdog Millionaire walks away with Best Drama, Director, Screenplay, and Score. Well done. I’m curious to see if it shows this well at the Oscars. I loved the film, but it’s not the sort of weighty stuff Oscar usually likes – on the other hand, it does have the little guy beating out the system, which Oscar DOES like.


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  1. Anne

    Happy-Go-Lucky is excellent- just a lovely charming film that tells a simple story. It was one of my favourite films of 2008 (the other was Hunger.)


  2. I've read some good things about it, but it's good to hear from someone I trust. :) I'll have to look and see if it's still playing near here and go check it out.

  3. Anne

    Happy-Go-Lucky is excellent- just a lovely charming film that tells a simple story. It was one of my favourite films of 2008 (the other was Hunger.)


  4. I've read some good things about it, but it's good to hear from someone I trust. :) I'll have to look and see if it's still playing near here and go check it out.

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