The 50 Day Movie Challenge asks one question every day, to be answered by a few paragraphs and a clip, if possible. Click here for the full list of questions.
Today’s prompt: What is your favorite movie ending?
And the hard ones don’t let up, do they? Really, most of these “favorite” things would likely change next week if you asked me again. And I notice there are a few more of these types of questions coming up that are just as elusive.
But the first film that came to mind for this question is the Irish film Once, a wonderful blend of realism and music in an untidy indie-movie package. The actual ending isn’t on YouTube, and I wouldn’t recommend you watch it if it were, if you haven’t already seen the film. Of course, that’s true of a lot of great endings – this is pretty much an inherently spoilery question! But anyway, the end of Once is not Hollywoodized in any way, but remains romantic in the truest sense of the word, and is the absolutely fitting way for the film to end. This trailer gets across the mood of the film nicely, even if it isn’t the end, and watching it gives me the same feeling I had watching the film itself, so it will have to do.
I’ll have to watch this movie! I think my all-time favorite ending is the one of “Hilary and Jackie.” Wish I could find a video from when Hilary finds out Jackie dies til the first part of the video. But can’t. :(
Everyone should see Once! That’s my considered opinion, anyway. :)
I’ll have to watch this movie! I think my all-time favorite ending is the one of “Hilary and Jackie.” Wish I could find a video from when Hilary finds out Jackie dies til the first part of the video. But can’t. :(
Michael W. May
Oh, great choice.
Thanks! I thought it might be kind of an unusual one. When you think of great endings the first thought is often twist endings or ones that make you go OMGWTF, but Once isn’t like that, it’s just the perfect bittersweet ending to a perfect bittersweet film.
Great choice, and one which I could have very well picked myself. I love Once. One of my very favorite films.
You and I seem to share a good bit of the same movie taste, Emil. :)