Category: Television Page 3 of 19

Haven 1×06-1×08


My intention was to write about these episodes as I watch them, preferably close to when they air, but I got sidetracked and three weeks happened. Oh well. We’ll just call this the least conventionally scheduled television column ever.

Post contains plot set-ups, but not spoilers for the endings, except in the case of one subplot, which I’ve set aside in a spoilery section at the bottom.

After my previous post about Haven, I got enough people interested in it that I hoped it would get better and show my cautious optimism was not in vain. And I’m happy to say that with the past three episodes, the show is starting to address the issues I had with it. Episode 1×07: “Sketchy” is easily the best of the season so far, and gives me great hope that the show is hitting its stride for real now. The characters are starting to become more interesting in and of themselves, and patterns are starting to emerge in the seemingly random weird events. The talk of the Troubles is getting more pervasive, suggesting that they are building toward a strong season finale.

In “Fur”, a man is torn to pieces in his car by something that appears to be a wolf – of course, this being Haven, our thoughts as well as those of Audrey and Nathan jump straight to werewolves, but, this being Haven, that answer is probably too easy. Could it be just a giant wolf that the hunters can take care of on their own? Could it be a hex by Jess Minion, a so-called witch living on the outskirts of town who is heavily disliked by the local hunters for her animal-friendly stance? Or is it something even more sinister and unusual? Well, this is Haven.


The doctor Eleanor is starting to become a more central character, which is good for a number of reasons – she’s interesting and funny and she knows about the Troubles, which is helping to ground the show. She’s being set up as a wise confidant for Audrey, a role that is needed and has been largely missing up to this point. I also really like Jess Minion and her addition to the show is definitely helping Nathan come into himself. Plus, yeah, okay. I like her Quebecois accent.

Nathan’s innate inability to relate to people becomes explicit and a source of humor in “Sketchy,” as Jess tries to make up excuses to see him and he, much to Audrey’s amusement, is a total dunce about the whole thing. The monster of the week, too, is really good. People are being killed in really bizarre ways, from crushed and twisted in unnatural ways to having their faces suddenly go blank. The way this one plays out had me fully enthralled, and it may be the one time on the show so far that main plot and subplots have all worked so well.


I’m not sure “Ain’t No Sunshine” was quite as strong an episode as “Sketchy,” but I’m fairly invested now and definitely ready to see the show through the finale. In this one, a couple of stabbing murders lead back to a hospital, where grieving family members are convinced their loved ones were killed by a “Dark Man.” The effects and tension were quite well done here, and aside from a slightly too-easy resolution, I can’t really fault the main story. And I liked what they did with the Nathan-Jess subplot during this episode, but the way they left it and set up the rest of the season in terms of romance subplots? Not so much. I’ll have some spoilers about that in a second. The Audrey-doesn’t-have-friends running gag ran a little too long.

So far, what ties all of the monsters of the week together is that they’re unintentional monsters – nobody who has these strange abilities can control them, and often they don’t even know they have them until Audrey and Nathan figure it out. Also, most of the powers, though not quite all, seem to be triggered by anger or fear, so perhaps heightened emotions are involved in some way. So, are these strange abilities themselves The Troubles, or are The Troubles something else entirely that merely cause these abilities to manifest? What happened last time they were here, why doesn’t anyone speak about them (except for Eleanor), and what does Audrey’s mother have to do with it? These aren’t really new questions since my post three episodes back, but I care about the answers now more than I did then.

*SPOILERS for the end of Ain’t No Sunshine, romance subplot, after the screencap*


Giving Nathan a love interest OTHER than Audrey was smart, and they gave him a pretty interesting one, too. The end of this episode hints that they’re going to go the more conventional Nathan/Audrey ship, which….no. Boring. Done. The only bright spot is that the way Jess framed her leaving seems ripe for her to return. She doesn’t seem the type that would just run away to protect herself at others’ expense, so I can only guess that she actually has something to do with the Troubles and will eventually have to return by the finale. I do hope so.

Haven – Season One Til Now


*No plot spoilers*

Despite Syfy’s rebranding in an ostensible attempt to expand beyond science fiction programming, they appear to be committed to bringing original series with a dash of the deliciously weird, and Haven is this year’s summer debut. Lead character Audrey (Emily Rose) is an FBI agent who goes to the Maine seaside town of Haven following up on a regular investigation, but finds things in Haven to be more than a little freaky – as in, people who create massive storms when they get angry or whose dreams turn into very destructive realities.

She stays around firstly because she’s a little bit fascinated by the crazy stuff going on, but also because it seems her long-lost mother came through Haven decades previously and she has something of a personal quest to find out what she can about that. Meanwhile, she forms a de facto partnership with Nathan (Lucas Bryant), the junior member of the father-and-son police force in town (who has his own oddities, including an inability to feel pain).


Haven is up to five episodes now, and a few longer arcs are already coming to play, notably the rivalry/feud between Nathan and Duke (Eric Balfour), the town’s excuse for a criminal element, which is largely confined to black market trading and pissing off the constabulary whenever he gets the chance. There’s also increasing mention of “the troubles,” apparently a previous outbreak of strange events that seems to be cycling back again.

I hope that the ongoing “troubles” arc addresses at some point what causes all the strange things to happen, because I’m all for weird and unexplained things, but Haven takes its weirdness a little too much in stride. There’s no Scully character here to try to find the logical explanation, yet the show also feels like it’s trying to take place in a “real” world in which the things that happen would be at least looked at askance. The only explanation for why they’re not is that people are used to such things in Haven, but why – and why does Audrey jump so quickly into that mindset when she’s the token outsider? The mundane and the unnatural can meld into some pretty great television, as many sci-fi shows have taught us, but the mix seems unwieldy in Haven.


I’m also not drawn in as much by Audrey and Nathan as characters as I’d like to be – Duke is a much better character both as written and as acted, and I find the part where he’s on-screen much more compelling. Audrey’s not bad, and does have her moments when the dialogue helps her out a little bit (and she’s better when she’s playing off Duke), but Nathan is much too flat and bland for what his role in the show ought to be. He seems to be the main connection to “the troubles” (he’s the one who senses first that they’re back), but he’s so uninteresting that I’m only barely interested in finding out what “the troubles” are.

I’m still watching, but if this weren’t a summer show and had more competition for my time, I doubt I’d keep it up for much longer. That said, I do enjoy the almost lackadaisical quality of cable shows – I’m not sure how to describe what I mean by the difference between cable shows (especially Syfy and USA ones), but they just feel a lot more fun and less stressed than basic network shows. It might be the shorter running time, 13 episodes rather than 22, or it might be the lowered fear of cancellation, or the lack of pressure to appeal to everybody in the world, but I seem to be much more willing to keep watching cable shows lately, even when I have issues with them. I dunno. Maybe that’s the summer talking.

Haven on
Haven on hulu (all five episodes so far still available, but the pilot expires in 2 days, on August 13th)

TV: Reality Bites #1

Survivor 19×01 – 19×03

OMG, I still hate Russell. I’m kind of bored with this season, actually. I don’t really like anyone (the two people I did find interesting they already voted out, but that piqued interest could just be the editing). It’s more like degrees of dislike/apathy. And yet, anyone wanna take bets that I’ll stop watching? Yeah, I didn’t think so. :/ At least I am glad Jaison got his way third time around. But Russell voted with them, so did Russell go along with them, or was that his plan all along? I feel like the answer to that was in the episode and I didn’t pay attention. Probably because I’ve started tuning out whenever Russell’s on screen.

Shambo actually played that tribe visit pretty well – if she can manage to hang on in her tribe until merge, she’s in a good position with the other tribe.

The Amazing Race 15×01: Premiere (spoilers)

(haven’t watched the second ep yet)

There are some HOT GUYS this year. That’s refreshing after the complete lack of hot guys last year. Also, I really hope they don’t give the Christian teams a bad edit. Or you know, that the Christian teams don’t turn out to be douchebags (anyone watch Treasure Hunters that one summer and remembers the pastor and his family who turned out to be the most devious, underhanded team in the game?).

Tokyo – I’m getting more and more ready to visit Tokyo, somehow. I’ve never been particularly hot on visiting Asia at all, but Tokyo just looks totally awesomely insane. Vietnam – Wow, did they hit monsoon season, or is it always that wet there? I would die. I hate wet. *loves on SoCal*

So far, so good – I haven’t completely picked favorites yet, but the opener had enough stuff in it (immediate elimination, non-elimination, WTF Japanese game shows) that I was entertained. We’ll see if the formula starts wearing thin, though, the way it kinda did last year.

So You Think You Can Dance 5×01-5×05: Auditions

Does it seem like to anyone else that the auditions are going on longer than usual? Is it just because they’re stretching them out over more weeks than they do in the summer? Feels like they’ve been auditioning forEVER. I really hope that all the things I love about the show don’t get destroyed by it becoming a fall show. I don’t really think that’ll happen because, I mean, we still have Cat and judges who care and good choreographers and dancers and all. But they’re pacing and editing it more like Idol, and that’s bothering me just a tad. DON’T RUIN MY SHOW.

Not a lot more to say until the competition starts.

TV: Crime Pays #1

NCIS 7×01: Truth or Consequences and 7×02: Reunion (minor spoilers)

I missed a bunch of last year, but I guess Ziva kinda liked a guy and Tony killed him, hopefully because he was a threat of some kind and not because he just didn’t like the guy. I liked his nod to Kate, even in the midst of nearly killing himself to save Ziva. The Ziva who came back isn’t the same as the Ziva who left, though. You can see it in her eyes. She’s a little bit broken. I’m not sure from the preview of the next episode that they’re going to keep that vulnerability, though. I hope they do. It would be fitting, and grow the character a lot.

Episode two – Ziva’s back! Yay. Kind of. They really need to keep this emotional edge she’s got right now, though, and not hide that or make it go away. The scene with her and Gibbs – wow, I wanted him to grab her and hug her so badly, but that would’ve been wrong. They did it right. That’s one of the reasons I keep going back to this show – they don’t manufacture dramatic scenes with big emotional climaxes. They let the relationships play out over weeks and years. I missed the whole part of the story that informed that conversation, but they played it just right. Ziva’s coming back isn’t a return to business as usual – there are still wounds there that are only now beginning to be healed. If they speed up that recovery and everything’s back like nothing ever happened in a few weeks, I’ll be disappointed.

NCIS: Los Angeles 1×01: Identity and 1×02: The Only Easy Day

Not sure after the first episode if I’ll be keeping up with this one or not. No characters really jumping out at me. I like LL Cool J’s character, but Chris O’Donnell is kind of annoying me. I did like the crime of the week, though, decently enough. I tend to find with NCIS that I never keep track of each episode’s case very well – I’m in it for the long-term characters. We’ll see how Los Angeles does. (And how much LA itself plays into the show – that may make a bigger difference than you might think.) Oh, and also, apparently Edna Mode works for NCIS now. That’s…a little distracting.

The second episode picked up pretty well. Liked it more than the first one. And Edna Mode didn’t distract me quite so much. The rookie and the female agent brought some added dimension to it – they could be the interesting secondary characters that keep me at it. The crime of the week was intriguing, too; held my interest at any rate

TV: Sci-Fi Worlds #2 (SPOILERS for Dollhouse)


I’m a week behind on these, but I wanted to get these up.

Dollhouse 1×13: Epitaph One and 2×01: Vows (SPOILERS)

1×13: Epitaph One

Wow, that was good. THAT is what I wanted from the show in the first place. The darkness, the mystery, the weight. It’s perfect. I hope the second season grabs some of that weightiness. When Whiskey said “Did I do my best” and little-girl-Caroline said “Yes” I totally lost it. Joss. OMG. Joss. I hate you. I love you.

The only question now, is, how the hell are they going to follow that with a season set currently? When we know so much of what’s going to happen…or is this meant to be one possibility of what will happen? Will scenes from “Epitaph One” pop up as we get to them chronologically in the show?

2×01: Vows

Hey, Jamie Bamber! Hot as ever. Really liking the little character bits – DeWitt and Victor, Sierra’s not-so-prim-and-proper persona, Whiskey messing with Topher.

It is using some of the stuff from “Epitaph One” (Whiskey’s scars, her relationship with Boyd), but not to depend on it. That’s kind of what I expected, and the best way to deal with the episode – include references to it that those who saw it will get, but not make it so that people who didn’t will notice they’re missing something.

Loving Amy Acker. LOVING. And deeper characterization for Topher. Nice. This season is starting off really strong. Even the episode’s story wasn’t bad (and no, not just because Jamie Bamber was in it looking all hot); the bait and switch on the client was pretty well-structured.

Echo remembers everyone she’s been. You can tell by listening to her talk, she’s not blank – Eliza’s not the greatest actress, even I’ll admit that, but she did a good job with the intonation there. But she wants to find the originals of all her imprints? Really, some of them probably can’t be found – they’re creations/amalgamations, right? That could be a wild goose chase to distract them for weeks – I kinda hope that doesn’t happen. I think that’d get old.

FlashForward 1×01: No More Good Days

Still not convinced this is sci-fi, but I already put it in the banner. Whatever.

Why must shows cast British actors and then have them play Americans? I mean, they’re great with the accents, I’m not complaining about that. I’m just saying. Why not just make the characters British, if you’ve got to have Joseph Fiennes and Sonya Walger? (Although, actually, Joseph Fiennes with an American accent is kind of distracting. Walger’s is perfect.) AHA! HA! They didn’t make Jack Davenport’s character an American.

So they’ve got these visions timed to coincide with the end of the season, right? If this is a one-time event, as it’s set up to be, what are they going to do next season? Randomly have another flash forward? That’d be lame. Or do a Lost thing and have it spiral into craziness?

That was a really good premiere. Well-paced, well-shot, good premise, some interesting character moments, and a lot of questions raised. I’m still worried about the long-term viability of the show, though. But hey. A lot of shows that I’ve been concerned about because they seemed like one-trick ponies have surprised me.

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