Tag: Harrison Ford

50DMC #16: Scariest Movie I’ve Seen

The 50 Day Movie Challenge asks one question every day, to be answered by a few paragraphs and a clip, if possible. Click here for the full list of questions.

Today’s prompt: What’s the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?


There aren’t too many horror films I’ve seen, actually, though I’m starting to get more into them these days. Generally, I don’t actually find them that scary. Probably the scariest film I’ve seen objectively is the South Korean film A Tale of Two Sisters – the sound design on that is creepy enough that I did have to pause it a few times just to get my real-world bearings again. But the film that scared me personally the most is What Lies Beneath, so I’m going to go with that.

It’s not really that scary a film, a jump-scare-filled Hitchcock throwback with a bit of a supernatural twist, but here’s the thing. SPOILER FOLLOWS. The loving and concerned husband/father Harrison Ford turns out to be the murderer, and a pretty despicable one at that. All my experiences of Harrison Ford up to this point had been of him as a hero, so seeing him as a villain was seriously traumatizing. If he could turn out to be a monster, ANYONE could be. I almost didn’t sleep for about three days, afraid my dad was going to come ax murder me or something. Which was ridiculous. But yeah. I’ve never had that strong a reaction to any other film.

50DMC #15: Biggest Movie Character Crush

The 50 Day Movie Challenge asks one question every day, to be answered by a few paragraphs and a clip, if possible. Click here for the full list of questions.

Today’s prompt: Who is your biggest movie character crush?

Okay, so, characters in movies, not actors. This pretty much came down to two – Han Solo or Indiana Jones. Battle of the Harrison Fords! But I really didn’t even have to think about that very long. Han Solo is awesome, but Indy is both a rugged adventurer AND a university professor. And that combination is GOLD for me.

And…that’s about all I need to say. :) There aren’t very many good clips on YouTube, so here’s the original theatrical trailer. It cracks me up how every ’80s trailer makes the movie look cheesy, even if it isn’t.

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