Tag: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

New Releases: Catch-Up Reviews

I’m going to stop doing the monthly recap posts and instead try to write reviews/reactions more consistently throughout the month. Since I haven’t actually posted on anything I’ve watched since February, I need to do a few catch-up posts, which I’ve decided to separate into film categories (New Releases, New DVDs, World Cinema, Great Directors, etc.) rather than by month. Honestly, the monthly format was more useful for me than it was for any of you – after all, you don’t care when I saw a film, so keeping everything as strictly chronological as I used to do is fairly pointless. A thematic arrangement makes more sense.

So with no further ado, here’s the first of several catch-up posts; this contains all the theatrical new releases I’ve seen since February: Penelope, Leatherheads, Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Iron Man, and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Trailer Watch!

Haven’t done one of these for a long time, but I defend myself on the grounds that there hasn’t been hardly anything released yet this year worth watching. And Debbie, I promise I will write about American Idol tomorrow.


Baby Mama

Apparently this is the response to all of last year’s unplanned pregnancy movies.  Don’t ask me to explain why I guiltily want to see this.  Probably something to do with my untold love for 30 Rock.  Opens April 25th.

Son of Rambow

This has been knocking around festivals for a year or so, and just because it has a release date now doesn’t mean I’m overly optimistic about it coming near where I am. Ah well.  The festival reviews have been glowing, and it looks as endearing as anything. Opens May 2 in limited release.

Speed Racer

So when I first heard about this movie, I wrote it off as another stupid kids-TV-series-to-kids-movie thing.  But then I saw the trailer.  And remembered that it’s the Wachowski brothers making it.  And it looks so totally awesome that it’s pretty much my most highly-anticipated movie right now.  Look at it!  It looks so gorgeous, like a futuristic 1950s. Opens May 9th.

More after the jump.

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